IGNOU Launches MA In Urban Studies Distance Education

IGNOU has launched admission to  MA program in Urban Studies with Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode so that the students who want to opt for this from the DDE mode can now opt for it from IGNOU. The admission to this course will be held twice in the year as held for other courses like in January and July. The students who are interested in opting for the course can do so by visiting the official website of IGNOU https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in.

The last date announced by the institution for the IGNOU Admission to the January session 2022 through its official website is 31 January 2022

As per the administration staff of IGNOU the course will be aiming towards providing deep knowledge to the students about the issues and challenges associated with urbanization. The students will be taught in brief about various topics like poverty, urban waste management, Urban Governance, inequality and many more.

The application for admission to this course can be done by visiting the official website of IGNOU. Before submitting the application form the students are required to confirm taht they are eligible for the admission to this course.

SOURCE: https://bit.ly/32bFVRy

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